Family Experiences
We provide children and families with outings to Major and Minor Leage Baseball games, local amusement parks, and more, providing a fun environment for bonding.

Holiday Help
We work with local businesses and nonprofit organizations to provide families with support around the holidays – food for festivities, gifts for children, and more.

Community Support
We offer various resources to support our local community, including our McDonald’s Gift Card Program, and provide other assistance whenever possible.
Established in June of 2007, The Take Me Out to the Ballgame Foundation was created to assist families in need and create family building experiences for children and their parents. Our goal is to offer customized forms of support for individual families in crisis.
These events and activities are designed to provide positive interactive activities outside of the home environment and develop and solidify the bond between parent and child.
We are committed to helping families in crisis by providing financial support, hot meals, clothing, holiday meals, gift cards and items for newborn mothers.
We created our McDonalds Gift Card Program, where we distribute over $10,000 worth of gift cards for those who may go without a daily hot meal. We try to pay electric, oil and food bills throughout the year for those who have encountered hardships and cannot make these payments.
The Foundation currently works closely with YES Community Counseling Center in Massapequa to execute a number of these special events throughout the year. In addition, we work very closely with the Maria Regina Church Outreach Program, The John Theissen Foundation, The Freeport Soup Kitchen, The Angels Network, and the food pantries at Maria Regina, St Martins and Our Lady of Lourdes.
Our Foundation conducts a variety of events ranging from experiencing baseball and hockey games, to food and toy drives, as well as fishing trips, plays and an annual Christmas Party. We also sponsor the Marjorie Post Park Summer Program in partnership with YES Community Services.
With the Covid-19 virus, we partnered with 6 local area hospitals and provided 4 meals per hospital to support the front-line workers.
To date, through your generous donations and our yearly fundraisers, we have been able to raise over $250,000 dollars to fund the above-mentioned events.
Our work is just beginning with current economic conditions, there is an increase in the stress on the family unit and the needs of these families are increasing daily.
On behalf of our Board, John, Matt, Maura, Eileen and Lenore, I would like to thank you for your past and future support and contributions. We are truly making a difference thanks to all of the support from our friends and family. We are excited about our progress and look forward to continuing to make it all about assisting the needs of children and their families in our community.